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Small Business Administration (SBA) Learning Center

Whether you're looking to start a small business or expand your current one, SBA's digital learning platform has everything you need to educate yourself on entrepreneurial best practices and available financing options. The SBA online Learning Center offers the following courses:

 1.   Plan

·         How to Write a Business Plan

·         Legal Requirements

·         Buying a Business

·         Young Entrepreneurs


2.   Launch


3.   Manage

·         Employee Recruitment and Retention

·         Understanding Your Customer

·         Sales

·         Selling Your Business


4.   Market

·         Market Research

·         Marketing 101

·         Competitive Advantage

·         Social Media Marketing


5.   Grow

·         Finding and Attracting Investors

·         Pricing Models for Successful Business


6.   SBA Mentor – Protégé Program

·         Introduction

·         Small Businesses: Size Standards and More

·         SBA MPP Overview

·         SBA MPP Rules

·         SBA MPP Types of Assistance

·         SBAS MPP Benefits

·         What is a Mentor-Protégé Agreement?

·         How to Find a Good Mentor

·         Joint Venture Agreements

·         Applying to the SBA MPP

·         SBA MPP Resources

·         Tutorial Wrap Up


7.   Federal Procurement Readiness

·         Government As Your Customer

·         Government Contracting Opportunities

·         Government Subcontracting Opportunities

·         Set-Aside Certifications

·         Federal Solicitations

·         General Services Administration Contracts

·         Wrap Up


For more information, go to the SBA Learning Center at https://learn.sba.gov/dashboard


These links and referrals are provided as a public service, only. SBDA derives no benefit or compensation from these referrals.  SBDA also disclaims all liabilities from the use of the information and provides no warranty for the products or services provided by these agencies or firms. 


*SBDA is a service mark of Small Business Development Associates, registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, all rights reserved.  Copyright laws allow you to download and copy portions of the content or graphics for  personal use; however, please obtain our written permission before distributing any of the contents or graphics or using them for commercial purposes.
Last modified: May 01, 2024  .