Rock Hill High School Bearcats Class of '61


Editorial Page


The Garnet & Black, the way we were.......

Front  Page

Party Page

Reunion  News

Editorial Page









The monthly Garnet & Black reported our school activities, our thoughts, and our opinions. We learned more than just journalism, we also learned small business management, marketing and  finance administration. 

The Editorial Staff:
John Shillinglaw and Bennett Tarleton, Co-editors, and Mike Scott, Anne Taylor, Jean Farthing, Joan Gordon Ronnie Griffin and Laxton Hinson. 

The Business Staff: 
Warren Nye, Business Manager, and Tammy Crolley, and Elizabeth Scott. Judith Bazemore was our Faculty Editorial Advisor. Elizabeth Stowe was our Faculty Business Advisor. 



Editorial Staff

Business Staff

The Garnet & Black Reporting Team

The Reporting Team included 26 members from all grade levels: 
Harriet Beckham, Linda Brindle, Jan Carnes, Carolyn Corn, Gail Dominick, Buddy Dunlap, Myra Epting, Frances Gamble, Joan Hinson, Myra Jernigan,Mary Etta Kaylor, Bonnie Kessler, Anita Majikas, Lola McDermott, Gloria Munn, Jane Parker, Linda Poole, Johnny Rodgers, Joyce Sippel and Joe R. Woody . 


The Garnet and Black is a publication of the Rock Hill High School Class of 1961.   
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