OF 1961 45TH
MARCH 20, 2006
COST OF ACTIVITIES The cost for Saturday night will be $50.00 per person or $100.00
per couple. Friday night will
be $10.00 per person.
Make check payable to: Mary
Joyce Wright YES, we DO want to include anyone and everyone in this event. While it is OUR class reunion, please bring family (SOs, adult children), guests, friends and, especially, classmates from OUR years at RHHS: The classes of 1958 (seniors when we were freshmen), 1959, 1960, 1962, 1963, 1964 (freshmen when we were seniors). If you will send names and addresses to Bennett Tarleton, he will send them their own registration form, etc.: 1405 Hampshire Place, Nashville, TN 37221; After all, probably some of our best and worst memories of RHHS involve not just members of our class, but others who were there. And we always like to include teachers, so please send along names and addresses of those whom you know, too.